If we have helped your children before, you will need to wait 12 months since your last grant was awarded before you apply again. 

Please also note, that we can only offer three grants in total per family. Each new application is subject to the terms and conditions of the previous grant being met, as detailed below. 

Can you apply again?

To apply for another FTCT grant, please check your situation matches ALL four criteria points below: 

  1. You have met all the grants conditions from your previous grants, e.g. you returned all the original receipts to us. You would have received an email from us confirming this. More details can be found here.

  2. Your fashion and textile employment is still within the last 9 years. Please check your last employment date (in UK fashion and textiles) falls within the last 9 years. Not sure? Read more about our trade criteria.

  3. Your child is aged 0-18 years.

  4. You are still struggling to make ends meet or the situation has worsened.  You will need to tell us more about this in your enquiry and on the application form.  
    No two cases are the same, but you might apply again if you are facing one of the below situations:
    • You are in arrears with your household bills, have debt issues or have no access to savings
    • You are caring for a child or family member with ill health or additional needs
    • You have been made redundant
    • Your employer has reduced your contracted hours of work
    • You have recently suffered a relationship breakdown, separation or divorce 
    • You are signed off work sick or have a long term illness
    • you are facing homelessness or have recently had to move home
    • You are a kinship carer
    • You have suffered the bereavement of a close family member

What can we fund?

If you're think your situation still matches the criteria above, the next step is to consider what you need funding for.

We would take into consideration any items we have previously funded. This means that we would not typically fund the same white goods or furniture items again.

As with all new enquiries, you would need to tell us how your child’s health or wellbeing are affected by not having the requested items. 

If you think you meet all of our criteria to apply again, use the button below to complete the enquiry form.

Make an Enquiry 

Struggling with debt?

If you are experiencing financial pressures due to repaying debts, you might want to contact Stepchange an agency that gives free advice on helping people with debts.  They are able to work with you and the companies that you owe money to, to make a repayment arrangement that you may find more manageable.

If you would like some help please visit their website or speak to one of their advisors – www.stepchange.org

Other charities who can help

There are lots of organisations who can offer grants to families. If you're looking for help, we always recommend you try the Turn2Us grant search tool to find out who might be able to help you. 

You may also want to check our useful links page for similar organisations, who might be able to help.